Although it is already more than a week ago, I would like to tell you about our "girls" weekend at the beach in a village close to Valencia. Thanks to the good organization of Jutta and Brittas car and GPS we arrived safely at our hostal. The last 3 km where quite an adventure as "casa Janine" is hidden in the mountains and only accesible over a small road that with each km got bumpier and narrower. But thanks to our great orientation talent we found it at the first intent (this disproves the theory that girls have no sense of orientation and can't read maps. The real beauty of the place that we called our home for this weekend was seen in the morning. Breakfast was served on a terrace with a wonderful view over the hills full with orange trees and the mediterrean sea. By the way, "casa Janine" is really recomendable, nice staff, clean rooms, great view, terrace with swimming pool and also cheap . (No, I don't get paid to say this). After installing in our room we drove again down to the beach to have a drink at the beach. The perfect end of the day, relaxing at a chiringuito with a copa in your hand, feeling the sand below your feet and listening to the waves of the sea.
On saturday morning we went again to the beach of course. The one we liked best was the wildest and emptiest beach in Oliva Terranova. Most of the other visitors were probably also of other nationalities than Spanish, as the Spaniards rather prefer the beach were they can enjoy most body contact with their fellow beach visitors. After spending the whole day in the sun, or in my case rather in the shadow of the white and green sunshade, we had the pleasure to be spectators of the yearly "moros and Cristianos" parade. This is a celebration in memory of the reconquest of Spain from the moors in the 15th, 16th and 17th century. Different parades with amazing costumes are with different shows like belly dancing and fire-eaters take place.
Here are some picture so that you can get an idea.

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