Hi there,
This is the first time that I am writing a blog, so please be kind to me. I am a so called blog virgin.
Anyway, I was never much of a diary writer, especially after my cousin once read my diary entry when I was in the middle of my first love crisis. That`s when I've decided to give up sharing my deep feelings with some old book. It might be true that paper is patient but it can be very cruel.
So why have I decided to start writing, well, first of all in the electronic age it seems like a kind of must to share your opinion over the net. So I don't want to be the last to join. But the main reason behind this is that I finally will have something to share with you. Something more than the odd "went for a coffee with X" experience. I am going to start into a big adventure and I would like to let those participate that have come along my way during the last years and have given me their friendship. Huu, that really sounds "cursi", but I think you get what I mean.
Now you have to wonder "what could it be?" that I want to share with you. Well it is something that I always wanted to do and due to different reasons didn't manage to carry out until now. Those of you who know me better have probably heard that I have two themes in life that I am trying to be true which are "if you don't dare you cannot win" and "you always regret the things that you didn't do" I have now decideded that it has to be now that ..
Maybe it is not sooo special, but for me it is a dream that I am going to fulfill. Thanks to the kindness of my bosses, I will take 4 months off from my job (kind of mini sabbatical) and will travel, as light as possible, through the Australian continent. I am already nervous, although I still have a bit more than a month to go. If anyone has suggestions or good insider tips, I know that some of you have already been to those places, I am very grateful for every little piece of advise you can offer me.
Well, now that it is out and the flight to Sydney is booked, there is no return.
That's all for now folks. I will keep you posted.